Tuesday, May 26

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

wow....Final Fantasy XIII is very nice....game shot, trailer, characters............is really nice and hope they gonna be movie out for this!!! Well me not a gamer thus not own a playstation but interested Final Fantasy series and the animation is very good quality.

Thursday, May 21

I must be crazy in my mind!!!

Oh my gosh....my brain is out of control i think! head to the college activity Talentime Nite take part on Emcee....just tought to try out and get to know more bout it but surprisingly i be choose to attend the second audition today. Well yesterday when i step in Block M classroom[venue of Talentime Nite] is quite scary when you sitting on the chair and the person infront you giving you some briefing bout what you gonna do as a emcee, how it actually work. After that change to the room for register and direct for the first audition, use my own way/style to describe myself and give a short speech with creative topic end up the topic for my short speech is 'Walking'. The judge is actually told me my weak part is speak not clear enough and maybe will make guest get confuse bout what the information i want to anounce. As for 2day, they want me to act some short topic drama where me topic bout to act two separate characters discussing Talentime Nite flyer. End of the story the judge is said me act two separate characters without change two different voice. Actually i know that but bcause of nervous heart sure can't make me awake with what i done wrong. Now is just waiting for the result whether me qualify for the emcee or not and attend for the final audition.

Monday, May 18

Switch back my second life...'College Life' after secondary

So huge....the TARcollege . Make me sweat all the time, feel hot all body part, underwear also wet till turning out with water..!!! Set my butt on the chair for a long endless speech from chairman, course school principal, and so on.....!! So far 2day everything still moving on quite well and easy. Not much confusing matter from the guy who lead us walk around the college, just the volume of his voice is damn low!!!! Anyway everything still make me feel great..///

Sunday, May 17

白骨精 Knock in GMTT!!!!! HELP..HELP...

'请把我的歌带回你的家。。。。JOHN! JOHN!! COME COME....yup what's up??? 如果你走进来就不可以出去咯!‘ 望望一下。。。被拉进去了!!Oh Gosh...被拉下水,和 angeline,cecilia,danise,vincent 准备30号表演的舞蹈。在里面一个多小时,根本没学到什么。Drama时间就分成四组演艺不同的故事。而我的组就有。。。忘了是什么。。。白骨精的故事。Melissa果然搞笑,华语没什么好的她竟然要出演白骨精。。可怜。。可怜。。。结束前被选为30号的表演的故事。真需要加把劲把这故事给演的搞笑,有趣!!!加油咯各位组友。。当然别的组也加油。

Saturday, May 16

Angels and Demons

[Earth, Air, Fire, Water,....and the fifth sign]
[Open the door, and tell the world the truth]
God Damn it......such a high tech movie, explosive scene, mystery sign, historic story, OH SUCH A GENIUS OF RON HOWARD AND DAN BROWN!!!!!!! Unbelievable story line.....from nervous feeling to suddenly high end feeling. Your heart will be very 'busy' till the limit. How to describe this movie if you ask me???? I GOT NO IDEA WHAT WORDS CAN USE TO DESCRIBE IT!!!!! And this movie is really 18PL....for those who can't stand this kind of movie scene, think clearly before you place yourself in cinema seat......

Saturday, May 9



Sunday, May 3

MUSIC-MAN 王力宏大马演唱会2009

哇哇哇!!!我简直不知道用什么样的字或词来形容力宏的演唱会。。。极棒,超棒,非常非常棒。虽然我坐的位置所看到的力宏只有手指关节那么大,不过依然能感受到他的唱歌魅力。场外场内都非常 多人。Daniel李桀汉和郭晓薇作为这次演唱会的开场嘉宾。这演唱会最特别的是王力宏的动画短片。非常精彩。当王力宏一出场,粉丝们立刻疯狂的尖叫。中场的时候,王力宏分身成四个人,叫小王,小力,小宏,和王力宏。故事讲述他们四个人本来组成一个乐团。因为解散了,所以很伤心。终于在这个舞台上从新聚在一起唱歌。说真的他们四个真的非常相似。郭晓薇在王力宏回后台更衣时,出来站在观众席说王力宏为什么会选五月来大马开演唱会,因为要和我们一起庆祝生日。她还真的会说话。大马的力宏粉丝俱乐部HOManiacs在演唱会接近尾声送上巨大的信封给力宏。里面装着一片CD。CD里面有力宏粉丝纪录的祝贺语。嗨这次我可说上是损失残重,力宏的merchandise只买了手机吊饰。原本想买 “摇滚怎么了” 衣服,但是演唱会结束后,一大堆人又开始你推我撞争先恐后的购买力宏的产品。现在不得已需要叫我表妹帮我从singapore买。。。真后悔没有第一时间卖完所有的产品!!

Friday, May 1

My BirthDAY

Oh my gosh.....this year my birthday is really really different!!! First one celebrate my birthday of course and usual>>>>MY PARENTS<<<<>>>>2ndly is TWO MYSTERY PEOPLE celebrate my birthday<<<< i had never thought that be4......anyway nigh9 activity is more 'dangerous'^_^_^_^friends got party for me at mamak around my house area....but the 'dangerous' part is my face is using the LIMITED EDITION FRUIT CAKE MASK!!!!

Try to guess what flavour is the cake??
This is MYSTERY PEOPLE present to me!!!!